Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Now or Never!

Yep, it's now or never! I figured this is the year to start a teaching blog. My thoughts and ideas about teaching have changed so many times over the past 12 years, and I'm sure that they will change many more times in my career. This year will mark another "first" for me - teaching in a Christian school. After teaching for 9 years in public school and 3 years in a public charter school, I felt the need to make a drastic change. The constant stress of student testing and student performance plus the increased teacher demands and problems with student behavior has so many of us teachers pulling our hair out and trying to discover new ways to fix a problem that I'm not sure if the public sector is going to find a solution to. Our society is changing at a rapid rate, and the answer doesn't lie in the public schools. They are trying their best to find an answer, but, at best, they are just applying a band-aid to an infection that reaches straight to the heart of man - the need of the Gospel of Jesus to change hearts. Only with this internal change will someone's external change. I think that's one of the most frustrating issues that I've had to deal with so far in my career. I can't get to the heart of the matter. So, now you know where my thoughts are. My intent for blogging is to share with you my teaching passions - classroom creativity, fun and successful lessons, pictures of my classroom, and anything else that I decide to post. There might be a soap box rant every once in a while, but I'll try to keep those to a minimum. Anyway, thanks for listening, and I hope my teaching passion can be an inspiration to you to keep your focus on what matters!

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